Wednesday, August 20, 2008

PrePress:IT Dept? what the ...

OK, why is it that whenever someone in our company can't receive email they automatically come running into Prepress? How did prepress inherit the management of all things "internet" related, and how can prepress unload this responsibility onto somebody else? Why do sales people ask prepress to help them fix their computers at home? Don't they know we hate them? Just because I drive a car doesn't mean I want to change everybody's oil! Yet, whenever a dirty email gets blocked by spam filters, or a salesman can't surf porn on the internet because a pop-up window won't go away, prepress is interrupted and expected to save the day.

Obviously, we know the sales department won't be able to handle IT problems, since they can't manage to set an alarm clock that would get them to show up for work on time, but I'm still not convinced it should fall onto the laps of prepress.

Does anybody have an actual IT department, or do you simply abuse the poor geek in prepress who stupidly admits to having a PC at home and enjoys watching Star Trek reruns? (There's one in every shop.)

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